Wednesday, December 16, 2009

SAP Review

SAP's accounting applications are installed in thousands of businesses around the globe. They are used in large, complex organizations, and the general view among small businesses is that SAP is beyond their needs and their means.

At the same time, programs like QuickBooks dominate very small businesses, but as those businesses get larger, these accounting programs' capacities and features can be stretched beyond their intended use. SAP wants to step in to fill the middle ground with its BusinessOne package, and the product makes a compelling case.

BusinessOne is a full-featured application intended for small- to mid-sized businesses. I tested version 6.50.52, which is new this year to the U.S. market, though SAP has been selling it for some time in the European market.

SAP has packaged its core applications in a flexible, capable product that makes sense for businesses struggling to make the best use of their business information. While BusinessOne isn't cheap -- $3,750 per user -- it delivers strong value for the price when the features, integration, and depth of capabilities are taken into consideration.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Free Accounting Software

Bagi anda yang tengah sedang berencana mengkomputerisasi sistem pembukuan / accounting usaha anda, ada satu software akuntansi yang real gratis yang cocok untuk bisnis skala ukm maupun menengah. Dengan fitur laporan yang cukup lengkap mulai dari Laporan Keuangan, Aging Hutang Piutang maupun analisa atas sales dan pembelian, menjadikan program ini layak untuk anda coba.
Program ini juga dilengkapi dengan sistem Point Of Sale untuk bisnis retail seperti minimarket, stationary dan sebagainya dengan sistem stock yang cuanggih.Program dimaksud adalah Turbocash. Bagi anda yang beranggapan bahwa akuntansi itu pekerjaan yang rumit, program ini mementahkan mitos ini, yup dengan sekali klik di kasir atau point of sale, program secara otomatis akan membuat laporan keuangan lengkap mulai dari neraca, laporan laba/rugi hingga arus kas.
Berikut adalah link untuk download programnya Turbocash