Purchases, Orders, and Quotes
You can use the Purchases, Orders, and Quotes window to record purchase orders and quotes. When you record purchases of inventory or services, the Vendors and Purchases, Inventory and Services, and General modules are affected.
Later, if you decide to buy from a vendor, or when you receive the vendor's invoice, you can easily change a quote into a purchase order or an invoice, or a purchase order into an invoice.
You can create three transaction types on this window:
Quote. For recording details quoted by your suppliers for goods or services you might want to purchase later. If you decide to purchase the items, you can convert the quote into an order or invoice.
Purchase Order. For recording details of goods or services you are ordering. You can select whether to pre-pay the order or pay on delivery.
Invoice. For recording details of an invoice from your suppliers (vendors) for a purchase.
What would you like to do?
Enter a purchase quote that you have received
To enter a purchase quote:
- In the Home window, choose the Purchases, Orders, and Quotes icon.
- Select Quote in the Transaction field.
- Fill in the fields you require.
- To enter purchase quote for a vendor who is not included in your Vendor List, you can add a record "on the fly".
- To keep the vendor information displayed to record another invoice, order, or quote for this vendor, choose Use The Same Vendor Next Time from the Purchase menu or toolbar.
- Click Process.
Enter a completed purchase
To enter a purchase:
- In the Home window, open Purchases, Orders, and Quotes.
- In the Transaction field, select Invoice. In the Paid By field, select Pay Later, or Cash, Cheque, or a credit card that you have set up (on the Credit Cards Used tab, under Setup, Credit Cards).
- Fill in the fields you require.
To enter an invoice for a vendor who is not included in your Vendor List, you can add a record "on the fly," or enter a one-time vendor. However, if you use a one-time vendor, you must pay for the invoice at the time of purchase.
You can enter the shipper and the package tracking number (usually the waybill number) in the fields at the bottom of the screen. Then, if the shipment is late or missing, you can track the shipment on your shipper's Web site. - To allocate purchase amounts to a project, follow the instructions on the topic Allocating Revenues and Expenses to a Project.
In the Purchases, Orders, and Quotes window, you can allocate only services to projects. You allocate inventory items to projects when you record a sale in the Sales, Orders, and Quotes window. - To keep the vendor information displayed to record another invoice, order, or quote for this vendor, choose Use The Same Vendor Next Time from the Purchase menu or toolbar.
- If you wish to print a cheque for the item being purchased, be sure you have entered a name in the space below the Purchased From field, choose Print from the File menu.
- Click Process.
To be Continue
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