Monday, May 21, 2007

Maintaining Account Information II - Simply

Tutorial Simply Accounting, Setup VENDOR : (available in Home Window)

Vendors are the businesses from which you buy goods and services. While you can make purchases without adding vendors to Simply Accounting, we highly recommend that you add them. Adding vendors to Simply Accounting saves time, as you don't have to enter contact information every time you make a purchase. You select the vendor from a list when entering the transaction.
Vendor records also allow you to track purchases and orders easily. For example, Simply Accounting can remind you when a bill becomes overdue. You can also print reports on your purchases to help analyze them.
What would you like to do?
  • Add or change Vendor
    1. In the Home window, choose the Vendors icon.
    2. To add a new vendor, choose Create from the toolbar or File menu. To edit an existing vendor, select the vendor from the list.
    3. Click each tab on the window and fill in the necessary details:
      Export/Import(only available to local vendor)
      Additional Info
    4. If you no longer do business with this vendor, check the box at the bottom of the window to make this vendor inactive.
    5. From the File menu, choose Save.
    6. You can also add a vendor record "on the fly" in the Purchases, Orders, and Quotes window or in the Payments window (when entering an "other payment"), if the record does not yet exist when you need to record a transaction.

  • Adding a Vendor "On the Fly",
    To Add Vendor "on the Fly" :
    1. In the Purchases, Orders, and Quotes window in the Purchased From field or in the Payments field in the To The Order Of field, type the name of the new vendor, and then press Tab to leave the field.
    2. The program asks you to choose Quick Add, to add just the vendor's name to the record; or Full Add, to complete the vendor's record at this time.
  • Deleting a Vendor
    To Delete Vendor:
    Before your can delete a vendor record, it must have a zero balance, all its transactions must be cleared (using the Clear Paid Vendor Invoices under Clear Data on the Maintenance menu), and there must be no outstanding purchase orders or quotes for this vendor.
    1. In the Home window, open Vendors.
    2. Open the record you wish to remove.
    3. Choose Remove from the File menu or toolbar.
  • Display and Print a Vendor List.
    1. From the Reports menu, choose Lists, and then Vendors.
    2. Select the fields that you want to appear on the list.
    3. Check the box to include Inactive vendors.
    4. Click OK.
    5. If you wish to print the list of vendors, choose Print from the File menu.

OK Continue next (Cusomer)....

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